Is there a good freeware USB analyzer/debugger?
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14 years ago

Is there a good freeware USB analyzer/debugger to watch data transfers
between PC and USB devices like mice?

Thank you in advance. :)
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David H. Lipman
14 years ago
Is there a good freeware USB analyzer/debugger to watch data transfers between PC and
USB devices like mice?
Thank you in advance. :)
This may/may not be applicable

Multi-AV Scanning Tool - http://www.pctipp.ch/downloads/dl/35905.asp
14 years ago
Post by David H. Lipman
Is there a good freeware USB analyzer/debugger to watch data transfers between PC and
USB devices like mice?
Thank you in advance. :)
This may/may not be applicable
I already tried that, but it didn't help. I was looking for a monitor
program like Process Explorer, File Monitor, Regmon, etc.
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Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Post by Ant
I already tried that, but it didn't help. I was looking for a monitor
program like Process Explorer, File Monitor, Regmon, etc.
I don't know, I've been looking for something like that myself. I have
tried so many USB hubs, none of them seem to get along for long on my
system. End up causing system instabilities, etc.

Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Post by Yousuf Khan
Post by Ant
I already tried that, but it didn't help. I was looking for a monitor
program like Process Explorer, File Monitor, Regmon, etc.
I don't know, I've been looking for something like that myself. I have
tried so many USB hubs, none of them seem to get along for long on my
system. End up causing system instabilities, etc.
I assume external USB hubs. What type of PC/setup was it?
"Hey dad, look. I put honey on my back, and now the ants are carrying me
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Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Post by Ant
Post by Yousuf Khan
Post by Ant
I already tried that, but it didn't help. I was looking for a monitor
program like Process Explorer, File Monitor, Regmon, etc.
I don't know, I've been looking for something like that myself. I have
tried so many USB hubs, none of them seem to get along for long on my
system. End up causing system instabilities, etc.
I assume external USB hubs. What type of PC/setup was it?
It's a Phenom II/X3 system with an Asus motherboard with AMD 785G
chipset. But that's just the latest iteration. Previously I had an
Nvidia chipset and the problems were even worse with USB hubs.

Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Wow. I never use those external USB hubs. I rarely use them since I
don't use USB devices much. Now, I will be using one (mouse) since PS/2
adapters don't work well. :(
"We may have no malevolent intentions toward an ant heap, but if we want
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/\___/\ Ant @ http://antfarm.ma.cx (Personal Web Site)
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( ) If e-mailing, then axe ANT from its address if needed.
Ant is currently not listening to any songs on this computer.
14 years ago
Post by Ant
Wow. I never use those external USB hubs. I rarely use them since I
don't use USB devices much. Now, I will be using one (mouse) since
PS/2 adapters don't work well. :(
Wow you don't use USB ports much? I usually do, because I am too lazy to
unplug and plug another USB in its place. This laptop for example I am
using four ports right now from the docking station. So I can still
release it from the docking station and still be cable free.

Although I can use four more on the laptop itself. And when I am really
desperate, I have an ExpressCard with another 4 USB ports. So that is 12
non-hubbed USB ports on a laptop. Not bad, eh?

And no, I don't care much for USB hubs either. I would if I didn't have
enough real USB ports though. ;-)
Gateway M465e ('06 era) - OE-QuoteFix v1.19.2
Centrino Core Duo 1.83G - 2GB - Windows XP SP3
Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Post by Ant
Wow. I never use those external USB hubs. I rarely use them since I
don't use USB devices much. Now, I will be using one (mouse) since PS/2
adapters don't work well. :(
I'd suggest that if your computer has lots of its own internal USB
ports, use those instead of multiplying them with USB hubs. Or use
low-priority peripherals on the USB hubs, such as keyboards and mice,
but avoid using high-speed/priority USB hard disks through them.

Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Funny, I've never had any problems with usb hubs at all with any device.
Mind you, they're all self powered. The non-powered ones can have problems
as they still only have underlying access to the original ports power supply
which cannot provide the 500 (Ma.??) required for each port at the same
time. Hence plug in a Logitech Rumblepad which uses all the power and you
webcam, printer etc. start screwing up.
Yousuf Khan
14 years ago
Post by pjp
Funny, I've never had any problems with usb hubs at all with any device.
Mind you, they're all self powered. The non-powered ones can have problems
as they still only have underlying access to the original ports power supply
which cannot provide the 500 (Ma.??) required for each port at the same
time. Hence plug in a Logitech Rumblepad which uses all the power and you
webcam, printer etc. start screwing up.
I used to think the same way, that self-powered hubs might be better,
but that myth got dispelled for me. I've actually seen a situation where
a powered hub was actually disturbing IDE optical disk drives. Why would
a USB hub affect IDE ports? It sounds ludicrous but trust me, we traced
it down to a powered USB hub. Once we removed the self-power from the
hub, the IDE ports started working again. I figure that the USB hub's
power supply was sending too much power back to the computer through its
USB cable to the computer port.

That was the most extreme example of USB hub wierdness I've seen. But
I've also seen less extreme examples, for example when a powered hub is
attached to the computer, it shows up as a low-speed USB 1.1 device, but
then when the same hub has its self-power removed it runs at full-speed
USB 2.0.

I really haven't had good experiences with USB hubs in general, powered
or unpowered.

Yousuf Khan
